EAS Opava s.r.o.
Krnovská 691/169
747 07, OPAVA
tel: +420 603517588
EAS Opava s.r.o., C 38884 vedená u Krajského soudu

CAMBRIDGE AUDIO / AERO reprosoustavy


Introducing Aero


We’ve combined radical technology and classic styling to produce a completely new type of speaker design.

After years of research into BMR (Balanced Mode Radiator) technology, our engineers recognised how amazing it could be in a more traditional speaker design.
The innovative Aero range is the result: BMR drivers replace traditional tweeters and work beautifully with conventional cone woofers to create fantastically clear, natural and coherent audio.
We’ve built them into classic speaker cabinets that will look good anywhere. And because BMR speakers aren’t fussy about placement, they can be positioned almost anywhere in the room and still sound great.
Radical, yet classic – the Cambridge Audio Aero range is here. Remove your preconceptions of what speakers sound like, and listen for yourself.
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